
 How to Animate Cut-Outs for Amateur Films / C. Barton

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1972.
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Film
Autor: Strani

How to Animate Cut-Outs for Amateur Films / C.H. Barton

London, Velika Britanija / Njujork, SAD 1972. Mek povez, ilustrovano, engleski jezik,120 strana.
Napomena: na predlistu potpis; ako se to izuzme, knjiga je odlično očuvana.

CARTOON FILMS spread such an atmosphere of magic that amateurs usually shy away from them without ever giving themselves a chance. This book is the best argument that they should. Its author, C. H. Barton, has not been trained by Walt Disney or any other cartoon studio. He has never been a professional student of art. He makes a living by breeding chickens and producing eggs on a small farm in Essex. But he is an amateur movie maker who has chosen to produce cartoon films in the long winter evenings — the only time a farming man`s hands are free. In this book he tells you and shows you step by step how he does it and how you can do it too. He has simplified both the art of designing and the technique of animating to such an extent that only very little skill is needed in following his advice and the equipment necessary costs only a few pence. So this is one of the rare occasions on which a real amateur hands out genuine amateur experience to an amateur public. It is easy to follow and very much worth while even if you do not intend your own excursions into cartoon land to go beyond the occasional animated caption or title.

Animirani film, crtani film, crtać, animacija 

Predmet: 75446249
How to Animate Cut-Outs for Amateur Films / C.H. Barton

London, Velika Britanija / Njujork, SAD 1972. Mek povez, ilustrovano, engleski jezik,120 strana.
Napomena: na predlistu potpis; ako se to izuzme, knjiga je odlično očuvana.

CARTOON FILMS spread such an atmosphere of magic that amateurs usually shy away from them without ever giving themselves a chance. This book is the best argument that they should. Its author, C. H. Barton, has not been trained by Walt Disney or any other cartoon studio. He has never been a professional student of art. He makes a living by breeding chickens and producing eggs on a small farm in Essex. But he is an amateur movie maker who has chosen to produce cartoon films in the long winter evenings — the only time a farming man`s hands are free. In this book he tells you and shows you step by step how he does it and how you can do it too. He has simplified both the art of designing and the technique of animating to such an extent that only very little skill is needed in following his advice and the equipment necessary costs only a few pence. So this is one of the rare occasions on which a real amateur hands out genuine amateur experience to an amateur public. It is easy to follow and very much worth while even if you do not intend your own excursions into cartoon land to go beyond the occasional animated caption or title.

Animirani film, crtani film, crtać, animacija 
75446249  How to Animate Cut-Outs for Amateur Films / C. Barton

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